10 Traditional Foods in Jakarta
Indonesia is not only rich in culture, but also has a variety of yummy culinary foods. This time, we will review 10 traditional foods in Jakarta. Yes, in this metropolitan city, you can still find traditional food in Jakarta that still survives, amidst the onslaught of modernization. Let’s take a peek together!
1. Kerak Telor
This traditional food uses basic ingredients made from white glutinous rice, chicken eggs or duck eggs and ebi (dried shrimp). Kerak Telor usually only appears during Jakarta Birthday celebrations.

2. Soto Betawi
This Betawi food besides selling a lot at roadside restaurants, you can also make it yourself at home. One of the special characteristics of Soto Betawi is the presence of beef offal, even cow’s eyes and cow’s testicles, and chips.

3. Asinan Betawi
Asinan Betawi made from fruits and vegetables is processed into pickles. In Indonesia, Asinan Betawi become one of the special dishes of Indonesian culinary arts.

4. Roti Buaya/ Crocodile Bread
Roti Buaya usually appears at traditional Betawi wedding events. Like Crocodiles who only mate once in a lifetime, therefore Roti Buaya believed to be a symbol of loyalty.

5. Ketoprak
Ketoprak uses the main ingredients such as tofu, cucumber, vermicelli, and boiled eggs, then seasoned with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce, and a sprinkling of onion.

6. Laksa Betawi
Laksa Betawi is a typical Betawi food made from noodles cooked with yellowish broth from rebon shrimp. Laksa Betawi will be more delicious if eaten with ketupat, bean sprouts, eggs, and chives.

7. Soto Tangkar
Tangkar is a beef rib in the Betawi language during the Dutch colonial era and is still used today, although it is rarely known by the current generation. Soto Tangkar uses ribs cooked with spices, usually served with chips and chili sauce.

8. Sayur Babanci
Sayur Babanci is usually served when breaking the fast and Eid Event. The funny thing is, despite the name of the Sayur babanci (Sayur mean vegetable), it turns out there was no vegetable inside. Named Sayur Babanci because this vegetable is not clear type, it can not even be categorized as a vegetable because there is no vegetable mixture
Sayur Babanci is taken from the name of Banci/ sissy, a man who prefers to act as a woman in his daily life. Sexually they are men, but they express their gender identity as women.

9. Ayam Sampyok
Ayam Sampyok is a unique blend of Chinese and Betawi flavors. Not only cooked once but twice to make sure the spices are absorbed.

10. Semur Jengkol
Semur jengkol is not only popular in Jakarta, but has also spread to almost all regions in Indonesia. Even though sometimes it smells bad, Semur jengkol is liked by many peoples.

Thus reviews 10 traditional foods in Jakarta. If you are visiting Jakarta, it is incomplete if you don’t try the various foods above
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