Komodo Dragons, The Largest Legendary Reptile Species in World History

Komodo National Park

Komodo dragons are endemic animals that only exist in Indonesia, especially on the islands in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Apart from being individualistic creatures, Komodo dragons are also cannibals. They eat other komodo carcasses. Komodo dragons are still in the same family as lizards and by the local community it is called “ora”. The Komodo dragon is one of the largest legendary reptile species in world history.

Ancient Legendary Stories About Komodo Dragons

It is said that in ancient times, there was a Princess named Putri Naga. He lived on an island and later married Moja, a young man from the opposite island.

Long story short, the princess became pregnant and then gave birth to twin sons, both of whom were boys. It’s just that one of them has a different physique that is similar to a lizard and makes this married couple embarrassed.

The two gave the name Ora to the lizard-like son, and gave the name Gerong to a normal baby.

Orah is exiled into the forest while Gerong is taken care of by Putri Naga and Moja.

As time passed, Gerong had grown up with a handsome body. Until when Gerong was hunting deer, he met a giant lizard, which Gerong chased after and was about to draw a spear.

However, suddenly Putri Naga came and forbade her to kill the giant lizard known as the Komodo dragon. Putri Naga explained to Gerong that the lizard was her twin sister, Orah.

Since then the local community has always treated the Komodo dragons as brothers. Such is the legend about the origin of the Komodo dragon named Ora and until now the Komodo dragon is an animal that is well maintained by the local community.

The History of the Komodo Dragons Discovery

Komodo Dragons
Photo: www.instagram.com/komododragons/

Komodo dragon were first documented by a European citizen in 1910. This European explorer then spread the news about the existence of a “crocodile” island.

This news was finally heard by the Director of the Bogor Zoological Museum, Peter Ouwens. In 1912, Peter Ouwens wrote a scientific paper about the results of documentation and Komodo skins he got from Lieutenant van Steyn van Hensbroek from the Netherlands. The scientific journal is entitled “On a Large Varanus Species from an Island of Komodo” and forms part of the library The New York Botanical Garden.

Starting from the scientific journal Peter Ouwens, the news of the existence of the Komodo dragon is increasingly echoing in the world. The name Varanaus Komodoensis also comes from Peter Ouwens.

Until finally, in 1926, a man named W. Douglas Burden went on an expedition to find Komodo dragons.

From the results of his exploration, W. Douglas Burden managed to bring 12 preserved Komodo dragons and 2 more alive. Three of the 12 preserved Komodo dragons are on display at the American Museum of Natural History. Douglas Burden also popularized the name “komodo dragon”.

Various expeditions continue to be carried out to uncover this giant lizard species. Due to World War II, the expedition was temporarily suspended.

Then, around 1960, another long-term expedition was planned. This expedition was carried out by the Auffenberg family. During the expedition, they stayed on Komodo Island for 11 months in 1969.

Research from this Auffenberg expedition has also proven to be very influential in increasing Komodo dragons in captivity. Assisted by biologist Claudio Ciofi, the research succeeded in explaining the nature of the Komodo dragon.

Komodo population

From the data submitted by the Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the total number of Komodo dragons in 2019 was 3022.

Almost all of the Komodo dragons are found on Komodo Island and Rinca Island. There were only 7 on Padar Island, 69 on Gili Motang, and 91 on Nusa Kode.

Komodo dragons meat

Komodo dragons are carnivores, they hunt and prey on various types of animals, including large animals, such as buffalo! the following animals are usually preyed on by Komodo “

  • Deers
  • Pigs
  • Buffalos
  • Goats
  • Birds
  • Eggs
  • Monkeys
  • Wil boars
  • Horses
  • Snakes
  • Fish
  • Other Komodos
  • etc

The Komodo dragons breeding season

The Komodo dragons breeding season is from June to July. The mating period for the Komodo dragons is only two months throughout the year.

Signs when it will bite us

Komodo dragons usually bite when under threat and are angry and hungry. There are signs that can be seen when the Komodo dragon is angry. “The neck is usually puffed out, the tail is bent, ready to grab it. That is if he gets angry.

Meanwhile, if in a hungry condition, the Komodo dragon does not have a special sign when it will attack. The animal measuring about 3 meters will immediately bite.

Is a Komodo Dragon Bite Dangerous

Research related to the effects of Komodo bites was carried out by a group of scientists led by Dr. Bryan Fry from the University of Melbourne in 2009. From this study, it was stated that Komodo saliva contains a lot of bacterial tissue and very complex poison glands.

The poison glands are similar to the poison glands of Megalania, the most venomous giant lizard which is now extinct ..

Komodo dragons are known to bite their prey and release it, allowing the prey to bleed to death from the terrible wounds it inflicts. It is a combination of a deadly weapon made of komodo teeth and poison that plays a role in their hunting prowess

Komodo bite first aid measures

When someone is bitten by a Komodo dragons, don’t move too much. When bitten by a Komodo dragon, thousands of bacteria will enter the body quickly. Too much movement will make bacteria spread throughout the body quickly.

Rinse with warm water to inhibit the movement of viruses and bacteria that spread into the body. Take it immediately to the doctor or Emergency Unit for further assistance.

Best time to visit Komodo National Park

Choosing the best time to visit Komodo National Park is important to consider so that you can visit Komodo National Park to its full potential and have a memorable experience.

From June to August, the waves tend to be calm. Apart from the calm waves, June to August is also the right moment to see the Komodo dragons. Because in June to July is the Komodo dragon’s mating period. The mating period for the Komodo dragons is only two months throughout the year. So this is a rare moment.

If December to early March the waves are not good, and it often rains too,

“During the mating season, if you are lucky you can see male Komodo dragons fighting over female dragons. Well, but during the mating season too, many Komodo dragons enter the forest to mate

Because it is the best time to visit, usually during these months, Komodo National Park is crowded with tourists.

Featured Image: www.instagram.com/komododragons/

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JC. Princen

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