The Ancient Tradition
Pandanus war is a tradition that still exists in Tenganan Village, Karangasem District, Bali. Pandanus war has another term that is makere-kere. Pandanus War is one of the traditions carried out as a tribute to the god Indra or the God of war, Pandanus War is part of the Sasih Sembah ritual. The biggest ritual held in Tenganan Village.

The pandanus war ceremony was held in Tenganan Village, which is also one of the oldest villages in Bali. This ritual is held every fifth month or sasih kalima in the calendar of the Tenganan traditional village. The pandanus war ritual lasted for about two days in a row. This ritual ceremony is held once a year.
The tradition of the pandanus war carried out by using the thorny pandanus as a weapon for war. The thorny pandanus used is pandanus that has been bound so that it is shaped like a mace. Participants in pandanus wars also use a shield made of woven rattan to protect themselves from enemy attacks.
This ritual is accompanied by gamelan seloding music, an instrument that can only be played by people who are considered sacred around the place of the pandanus war ritual. Seloding also should not be played arbitrarily, but only on certain events. There is a taboo that should not be violated regarding this pandanus war ritual, which is not to touch the ground.
Pandanus war is carried out by young Tenganan villagers and youth from outside Tenganan village. Youth from within the village of Tenganan has a role as participants in pandanus wars and are supported by participants from outside the village of Tenganan. Children who have started to grow up have also taken part in this ceremony. This ceremony can also be a symbol of a child growing up.
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