Dieng Lakes
DIENG plateau is a good water absorption area, so no wonder in this area there are many lakes, both large and small, such as Telaga Warna, Pengilon, and Balekambang lake.
In the central part of the plateau, there is a small river whose flowing water all years, namely Kali Tulis river whose upper course is in Perahu mount side and downstream in Balekambang separates Wonosobo and Banjarnegara regency. However, this river actually doesn’t stop flowing until Balekembang but continues flowing towards the southwestward direction and joins other rivers. A river lake Besides Kali Tulis River, on the east side
of this area, there are springs known to Tuk Bima Lukar. This spring is the upstream of Serayu River, the largest and longest river in Central Java. There so many lakes everywhere, but not as beautiful as Dieng lakes.
1. Balekambang Lake
Balekambang pool is located in the north of the Arjuna temple. The water was reputedly ever drowned Arjuna temple complexes and flow into Kali Tulis River and Tuk Bimo Lukar.

The name of “Balekembang” itself originates from a story that there was a tiny island that always floating in the
lake. Its texture is soft like a bed makes it named bale/bed. When the wind blew or there is a wave of the pool, this island always moving. For this reason, it named Balekambang lake.
It is said that Balekambang is a beautiful lake. However, now the condition is very poor. The lake whose large 10
hectares, is now almost invisible because it is covered by grass and shrubs grows on fertile moss as the results of
The water puddle in the lake is only of estuary trenches disposal of temple complexes. In addition, a path road from
Arjuna temple complexes also covered with thick grass.
Sedimentation material covering Balakembang lake is formed as the result of erosion from the potatoes field on the
west hill slope of Arjuna temple complexes. The effort of the dredging project has been done in 2008 and 2014, but it didn’t make many changes because of the high sedimentation.
2. Sewiwi Lake
Sewiwi lake is located in Kepakisan tourist village, Dieng, Banjarnegara regency. The name “sewiwi” suspected
derived from the shapes resembling wings or sewiwi in Java language.

The tourism object of Sewiwi lake is about two kilometers away from the Dieng plateau. The location is strategic because it is located on the side street and near the Sileri crater tourism area, Curug Sirawe and Bitingan hot springs. This place is known as a fishing place for local residents.
3. Merdada Lake
The location is near Karangtengah village, Banjarnegara about 5 km from Dieng plateau. The lake, in addition to as
tourist destinations also used the as the irrigation source for the potato es land and fishing place. So no wonder around the lake many diesel engines seen with pipes which are similar to giant tentacles absorb water lake.

If you are fit enough and love climbing the mountains, there is an interesting way to enjoy the beauty of Merdada lake of altitude. That can be reached by going a mountain range on the lakeside or go up to the east of the Pangonan
mountains. From above, the lake scenery is very beautiful. Especially when it is sunny, you can see sunrise scenery in orange light above the lake. While in a distance we can see Slamet Mountain. It is obviously beautiful.
4. Dringo Lake
Dringo lake located in the top of the Dieng mountains enters Pekasiran village, Banjarnegara. The crater is lined
with the Candradimuka crater and is adjacent to Mojotengah village, Reban subdistrict and Wonopriyo village, Blado subdistrict in Batang. The name Dringo comes to Dringo plants grow wild around pool.

Not far from Dringo lake, there are 11 ancient graves which is reputedly is the Syeh grave. Before finding the grave areas, the land is agricultural land residents of potato plants and cabbage. Nowadays, around the location built a number of punden-punden buildings for pilgrimage.
5. Sumurup Lake
Sumurup lake is located on top of the Pangonan mountains. It’s one area with Nirmala lake. Both of the two lakes
located in a place resembling the giant Kepundan on the top of the Pangonan mountains. Because of the spreads out
surface overgrown with grass so known as the savanna.
It is estimated the savanna reached more than 10 hectares. The savanna land is very beautiful because located in the hollow with the mountain belt around it. Where the mountain slope growing various herbaceous plants and other types.

The wide of grass spread out like a giant town square adorned the top of small hills so it resembling Teletubbies
garden. In dry season, Sumurup lake dried off, there is no water. However, in the rainy season, the lake contains water.
6. Nirmala Lake
Nirmala lake is located near Sumurup lake. The existence of its water hidden because the lake filled the reed
grass. Because of this condition, if we aren’t argus-eyed through the height grass.
we can lead to sink Many citizens believe that The lake Nirmala’s water has benefited for healing and other uses which can be got from other springs.
7. Telaga Warna Lake
Telaga Warna pool is one of object in the Dieng plateau tourism area. Administratively, it is located in Wonosobo
regency. Although it is located in Wonosobo regency, authority is under a Badan Perlindungan Cagar Budaya (BPCB),/ Heritage Protection Agency so all the tariffs in and prescribed by BPCB.

The name of Telaga Warna lake given because of the unique natural phenomenon in this place, that is the color
of the lake water is often fickle. Sometimes lake colored green and yellow or colorful like the rainbow. This phenomenon occurs because the water contains the high sulfur so when sunlight heat it then the lake water is visible colorful.
For photography lovers, if you find sunny in the morning, it’s very suitable to explore the view with your camera. A dead tree fallen in the edge of the pool can be a facility to beautify photos.
And don’t be surprised, the scenery of Telaga Warna pool and fallen trees perhaps have been photographed thousands of times by the people who have visited Telaga Warna.
If you want to take from another angle, there is the point of view angle which is quite pretty if we want to enjoy
the view of Telaga Warna and Pengilon lake from a height. On the right and left of the lake, the hills can be climbed to get a more beautiful view. The other angle is the hills in the back of Dieng theater.
To get at the point of the actual shot, you must walk about 500 meters passing over agricultural land. There, you
will meet with the rocky hill where you have to ride for getting a wonderful view. Especially if the morning or evening weather is very beautiful.
Around Telaga Warna Lake, Dieng, there are some caves which also deserve to be visited, like Semar Pertapaan
Mandalasari Begawan Sampurna Jati cave. In front of this cave, there are woman statues bringing a jug. The cave also has a small pond of whose waters believed to cure various diseases and making the skin so more beautiful.
There are also Eyang Kumalasari well cave and the Jaran Resi Kendaliseto cave. Besides that, there is also Eyang
Purbo Waseso slate. The caves around the Telaga Warna pool is often used as the meditation place.
8. Pengilon Lake
Located just over Telaga Warna but having a very different character of the surface. If Telaga Warna Lake tends to
white-bluish because of the sediment mud under the surface, Pengilon lake having the clear surface water and clear like a mirror, that’s why named Pengilon pool (a mirror).

This spring is the upstream of Serayu River, the largest and longest river in Central Java. There so many lakes everywhere, but not as beautiful as the Dieng lakes.
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