There’s nothing sadder than getting a crisp white shirt dirty before you’ve even worn it, right? Even if you’re packing a brand new pair of shoes, it’s better to be safe than sorry
A handheld steamer could keep your silk equipment shirt from looking like it was folded into your suitcase to begin with.
Fill your makeup bag with items that are rarely used until they are needed: double-sided tape, a mini lint roller, a small sewing kit, and safety pins.
If you bring a lot of clothes, rolling your shirts, pants, and skirts instead of folding them saves a lot of space. However, be aware that the extra space may result in high baggage fees.
folding silks on the top of your suitcase, with the aforementioned garbage bag laid over them, helps hugely to prevent wrinkling. You’ll be thankful when you have just five minutes to prep in your hotel room before your first meeting.