What to Pack in your Backpack

what to pack in your backpack

Knowing what to pack in your backpack during hikes is an important part of the preparation. You have to pack as little as possible otherwise you’ll burden yourself with a heavy load during a long hike. Minimizing the items on your backpack is especially important if you’re going hiking on a rugged and difficult terrain. The most important tip when it comes to packing is to only bring the essential items. But what are these items you can do without? Here’s a short list of what to pack in your backpack:

First Aid Kit

Safety is your priority when it comes to hiking. You should bring a first aid kit in case an accident happens. If you’re new to hiking, chances are you will hurt yourself in one way or the other; even if it’s just a minor scratch.

Food and water

To keep your energy up, pack some light snacks. It should be stored where it can easily be accessed, like on the top of your backpack or on the pockets. Water is essential since you’ll be sweating a lot during hikes so you need to replenish lost bodily fluids. For longer hikes, you need at least four liters of drinking water.

Extra clothes

If you’re going on a short hike, you should pack at least an extra shirt or pants/shorts. After you’ve gone through the trail, you won’t exactly be squeaky clean so you have something you can change into. For overnight hikes, you should also bring extra sets of underwear and socks. Generally, you should have 1 pair of clothing for each day you spend hiking.

Sleeping bags

What to pack in your backpack depends on the type of hike. You won’t need sleeping bags for short hikes. If your hike include camping, then this is very important.


You can sleep outside with just a sleeping bag if you want. If you’re not comfortable with that, bring a tent to protect yourself from the elements and critters in the trail.

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